
We are very happy about school ambience, surrounding, teachers attitudes towards children and very caring. She has learned good behaviors, social skills, etc., Thanks a lot for the dedicated help and support for moulding all the children.We are proud to be a part of the Cotton Valley School. We are very much happy and satisfied with Cotton Valley School -(Parents of Ishaan.S.Krishnan).

We had a great experience . We have seen great positive changes in my daughter. She is happy to come to school and lover her teachers.We want to appreciate teachers for being such nice and positive with our children. Thank you so much (Parents of Nirvi).

School is very good. Starting my child was not at speaking, now he is totally changed, doing all the activities and interacting with everyone. I am very much happy and satisfied with the school. Every teacher is giving lot of time to each and every child which is very good .Thank you so much ( Parents of Ivaan.K.Jain)

My daughter has learned so many good values, manners and I guess that is very important in these years of learning.Thanks for teaching these values instead of only curriculum directly , this is what we wanted. Thank you for the lovely atmosphere in the city ( Parents of Shanshika Joshi).

I have seen many differences in Iniyal's behavior, character and her starting love for nature. I am happy for the teachers at school who guide her. I love Cotton Valley,thank you.Love for Cotton Valley.I am proud to be a Cotton Valley Parent.The best school.- (Parents of Iniyal Prashanth).

We are much satisfied with your love and care towards our children. Our children like to come to school everyday. During holidays he used to say " Amma I am missing my school" .. what else to say .. simply superb.. Thank you (Parents of Muhunthan.G.V.)

Aegan mentioned that his favourite place is Cotton Valley and he loves it as much as his trip to Singapore, so glad that he feels this way- (Parents of Aegan Anand).

Really simple thankyou wont be enough for the love and care towards my child - (Parents of Adhvikaa).

There has not been one day Ayden doesn't talk about his school and the teachers -(Parents of Ayden).

I love evrything about the school and love the way he is progressing- (Parents of Ivaan.A.Jain's mother).

I am really happy that I have put in the right school.Highly satisfied with the work- (Parents of Kaashvi).

Pratik is happy to be in school and we are happy seeing him enjoying his early school- (Parents of Pratik).

We noticed that Vaibhav's behaviour was changed after joing Cotton Valley. He was  adamant and never waved bye to anyone n hi to anyone..But nowadays magic in his behaviour ,he wlcomes everybody ..This is all because of your efforts.Thank you-(Parents of Sai Vaibhav).

Everything is good and excellent !! Thank you for supporting Dhiyaan. ( Dhiyaan Varman's parent)

We are really satisfied and happy with everything. We could see so much of difference in his activities and learning that he has got from school. Thank you( Mithran's parents).

Lovable teachers, awesome and we love you loads. Continue to shower your love on our little diamonds to shine more . Thank you ( Parents of S.R.Raana)




"Teaching children about the natural world should be one of the most important events of their lives" - Thomas Berry